MinecraftWasted Wiki

Before you start playing, there are a few things changed from regular Minecraft, and you have to know them before you start playing. On commands: Do /help if you wish to see all of the commands on the server.


You move faster in wasted than in regular Minecraft.

To move on a vehicle, select the steering wheel, and right click to go faster. Rapidly tapping right click helps, but not by much.

By driving on the roads (dirt or stone) you get a (huge)speed bonus

Logging out[]

If you log out, you keep everything.

Using Weapons[]

Left click to reload if you have the proper ammunition, and right click to fire.

Crouching helps with spread, as well as scopes.


There are 5 teams in Wasted, Cobra, Nightmare, Power Rangers, Independents, and Initiative 1.
